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Request for Proposal for Provision of Sports and Recreational Facilities and Services

Request for Proposal


Provision of Sports and Recreational Facilities and Services.

Procurement Method: National Open Competitive Bidding

Procurement Reference Number:


January 2025

Invitation No: 2025/NCB/SPF/RUGC/005

To the selected Bidder:

  • The Rwanda Ultimate Golf Course requests for a proposal for Tender for Provision of Sports and Recreational Facilities and Services. More details on the scope of work are provided in the technical specifications.

  • The Best selected Bidder will be selected based on the lowest-priced quotation, which is eligible andtechnically compliant with the procedures described in this RFP.

  • The RFP includes the following documents:

Section 1 - Letter of Invitation.

Section2-Instructions to Bidders.

Section3-TechnicalProposalandFinancialProposalSection4 -TechnicalSpecifications.

The RWANDA ULTIMATE GOLF COURSE LTD(RUGC) requests a proposal for the Tender for Provision of Sports and Recreational Facilities and Services, during the financial year 2025.

You are requested to submit your bid electronically to the email: and hard copy to Kigali Golf Course Board room; KG 548 Street & KG 13 Avenue| P.O Box 1919 Kigali-Rwanda the no later than 04th February 2025at10:00

Your bid should be compiled by the following documents:

  • Photocopy of trading license having the activity bided for as its main activity

  • Testimonial of tax clearance from RRA.

  • Testimonialof debt clearance from Rwanda social security board 

  • Declaration of commitment letter.

  • Company Profile.

  • Detailed description of the essential technical characteristics of the services to be provided establishing conformity to technical specifications

  • Three (3) Similar Work Completion Certificates /References.

It is in this regard that we invite you to submit your quotations, and all bids will be sent to RUGC Email: and procurement not later than 04th February 2025at 10:00 AM.

Enquiries regarding this tender may be addressed to Email: 252 500 000.


  • The Bidder are invited to submit a Technical Proposal and a Financial Proposal, as specified in these Instructions to the Bidder.

  • The Proposal will be the basis for contract negotiations and ultimately for a signed contract/ Purchase order with the selected Bidder.

  • The Bidder shall bear all costs associated with the preparation and submission of their proposal and contract negotiation.

Eligibility Criteria


The Bidder shall submit the following documents:

  • Photocopy of trading license having the activity bided for as its main activity

  • Testimonial of tax clearance from RRA.

  • Testimonialof debt clearance from Rwanda Social Security Board 

  • Declaration of commitment letter.

  • Company Profile.

Criteria of technical and financial conformity.

  • Detailed description of the essential technical characteristics of the goods to be provided establishing conformity to technical specifications provided establishing conformity to technical specifications.

  • Three (3) Similar Work Completion Certificates /References

Evaluation of Proposals

The evaluation of Proposals will be done as detailed below:

Preliminary examination to determine eligibility (as defined below) and administrative compliance to this tender on a pass/fail 

  • Proposalsfailing at any stage will be eliminated and not considered in subsequent stages.

Detailed Technical 

  • Proposals failing at any stage will beeliminated and not considered in subsequent 

Financial Proposal evaluation

  • Anaccurate and clear detailed summary of the cost of the financial proposal

Best Evaluated Bid

The best evaluated bid shall be the lowest priced quotation, which is eligible and technically compliant.

Terms of Payment

Payment shall be made against the invoice after delivery of the product through bank transfer in favor of the Bidder ’s Bank.

Payment shall be made within 15 days against submission of your Invoice and supporting documents following delivery of the goods.

The Rwanda Ultimate Golf Course Ltd will pay correctly addressed and undisputed invoices within 15 days.

The essential information on the invoice for the RUGC is:

  • Adescription of the product 

  • Theinvoice should be attached to the contract/Purchase Order 

  • Addressed to the finance department for 

  • Thecosts include VAT (if applicable).

  • Bankdetails should be accurate and conform to the 

Award of Contract

The contract will be awarded after the evaluation of the financial and technical proposal.


e Bidder may be subject to local taxes on amounts payable by the Client under the Contract.

Delivery period

The product will be delivered to RUGC as per the contract terms.

Clarification and Amendment of RFP Documents

The Bidder may request a clarification of any of the RFP documents up to two (2) days before the proposal submission date. Any request for clarification must be sent in writing, or by standard electronic means to the Client’s address indicated in the instructions to Bidder.

Preparation of Proposals

In preparing their Proposal, the Bidder is expected to examine in detail the documents comprising the RFP.



Documents to be issued by the Bidder as part of this assignment must be in English.

Technical Proposal

A Bidder is required to submit a Full Technical Proposal (FTP) that reflects and matches the specifications outlined in the RFP.

Financial Proposals

A Bidder is required to submit a Financial Proposal (FP). It shall list all costs associated with this assignment, including all costs as below:



Rwanda Ultimate Golf Course Ltd in line with the Government policy to carry out sports activities for the welfare of civil servants, seeks to hire different service providers to provide sports activities to its staff.

The company shall have various sports services with facilities in good condition as follows:

  • Aerobics hall with the availability of a coach.

  • Swimming pool.

  • Tennis field.

  • Football ground.

  • Volleyball ground; and

  • Basketball ground.

N.B: A gym facility is compulsory for the company to be selected.


The objective of this assignment is to ensure that RUGC staff carry out sports at any time including weekends and public holidays to improve their wellbeing.


  • The service provider will be committed to provide a comprehensive schedule for different sports activities with their respective quotations taxes inclusive;

  • RUGC Staff will carry sports according to their choice and the payment shall be done based on the proven attendance;

  • Attendance record books shall be kept by the successful bidders who will be required to register RUGC staff attendance in the sports activities. The successful bidders shall ensure that the registered staff is on the list that shall be provided and updated by RUGC on a quarterly basis;

  • The quotation shall reflect the cost per session/person according to the specific sport activity performed.

  • Visits to the bidder’s premises shall be carried out before contract signature.


GASORE Z. Gaston

Ag. Chief Executive Officer




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